Does every ministry in your church support one another and your overall vision and mission? If not, it’s time for you to take a discerning look at the environments, relationships, and processes you have in place. It is possible to develop church structures that function organically.

healthy church growth

This series of blog entries covers the ten essential dynamics that allow a church to grow in ways that are healthy, effective, and multiplying. Last week, I talked about cultivating more and better leaders. This week, I am looking at dynamic #9 for healthy church growth—Developing Organic Structures that Work.

Developing Organic Structures That Work

Developing organic structures that work: Designing organizational environments, relationships, and processes that accomplish their intended ends and facilitate the smooth and effective flow of ministry  

The Nuts and Bolts of Organic Systems

Every living thing has structures designed to sustain life: breathing, blood flow, digestion, reproduction. These systems are natural and essential for survival. Churches, as living entities, likewise require certain structures to maintain and organize life. Leadership and decision-making features should be designed to help the church live out its mission smoothly and effectively. Movement and growth should be coordinated between different systems and areas so all changes are right-sized and evenly distributed. Too often, church structures impede functioning rather than promoting and supporting it.

3 Environments in the Church

Church structures can be categorized as environments, relationships, and processes.

Environments are the places, cultures, and languages in which we love one another, serve, and do the work of the ministry. These environments have a significant impact on the health and functioning of the organization as a whole.

Relationships are the network of human connections that facilitate ministry. In any church people need to work together to coordinate actions and help support one another in the work of the ministry. The ways in which we do that can help or hinder ministry progress.

Processes are series of steps or actions that lead someone toward a goal. For instance, one process would be the way in which visitors integrate into the church. Having a clear path for them to follow is helpful. 

Dual Functionality

Church systems need to function individually and coordinate together to accomplish their goals. Each ministry needs to produce identifiable results aligned with its intended purpose. Lack of functionality will negatively influence the impact of each ministry on other another. And it will affect the ministry of the church as a whole. All of the forms, regulations, and institutions of the church should be designed to promote—not hinder—the healthy development and growth of the church. 

6 Things You Can Do to Develop Organic Structures that Work for your Ministry

  1. Assess your current church organizational structures
  2. Clarify key indicators of success for each area of ministry and assess the degree to which they are currently being accomplished 
  3. Identify and remove any obstacles restricting your church’s growth
  4. Decide on and implement a budget that aligns with ministry goals 
  5. Borrow helpful ideas from other organizations and their structures
  6. Cast vision and gain buy in for any needed new structures and ideas 

Listen to the Holy Spirit and take some time to assess how your church is currently doing in this area. Then identify some customized action steps you could take to strengthen this dynamic. 


The Leadership Difference: If you are running up against barriers that aren’t specifically theological but are more about how to lead people and get along with them as you work together, this is the book for you.

Coaching: Dr. Bob Logan is taking on coaching clients! Set up a FREE 30-minute conversation to learn more about how coaching can help you live more fully into your calling achieve your goals. Contact Us.

Photo by Daniel Funes Fuentes on Unsplash